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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

~Hiie all~
so long never post thing...haha...coz busying mapling mah ,guild-frens,buddies,class-mates and sch-mates all are maple chiongster.I went for hibernation(maple onli hor) and chiong audi,they all 3rd job,4th job,lv or meso more than me.I cant lose out rite,yah i will chiong also and will never be beaten by them.After hibernating at lv81 ,i finally reach 82and now i wan earn meso .Everyday my bank muz hav 1mill more than the day b4 and my exp hav also have 1mill more exp than the day b4 but before i do all these thing,first thing i muz do is finish my homework.Yah ,i been slacking at my homework for the past 1 month.I really nid to brush up my work.Afterwards going bak to sch to buy book wth elmond. And wai chun bak from india lao,got so many question to ask him...lol,that bout all
~bb all~

on; 11/27/2007 12:40:00 PM

Friday, November 23, 2007

~Hiie all~
time fly so fast and i had not been doing anything during the holidays...anyways i will tok bout yesterday...i meet up wth,ze hong,elmond,yong kiong,serene,wen hui and joelyn to watch 'hero' the movie...actually yong kiong did not watch coz he no money and wen hui,serene and joelyn wanted to watch enchanted but the ticket were selling fast and the only sits available were the front three row so they no choice but to watch 'hero',anyway after buying the ticket we went to comic connection and ze hong and dunno who bought some calender thingy wth anime pics printed on the back and after that we went follow to the bunk whr yong kiong wanted to see if got the pokemon machine while we went there to see ppl auditioning ,mapling....after that went to wactch the movie and went bak home....that bout all for yesterday...ok as all of u can see ,i hav change my blogskin again,got ppl say its a little girly but in my opinion,i think that this skin look quite nice and the small ppl that u see on the left is veri cute so i hav change to this blogskin...well that bout all for today...

on; 11/23/2007 09:01:00 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hiie all~
juz now i juz pass my lv 18 license.It was so tough,i had to try it like say bout 5 time before completing the license.The problem is not with the score ,it is with the perfects..u hav to do 18 perfect and the time for doing it::2.50 mins ...it was tough but i try my best and did it...

here are the pics::
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

on; 11/17/2007 11:22:00 AM

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hiie all~
Wah ,today is quite confusing for me sia.
Firstly,i woke up late(i normally woke up 7.00a.m-8.30a.m) but i woke up at 9++a.m.
Secondly,instead of turning the com when i woke up immediately,i slack at my bed.
Thirdly,when i play audi, i could hav 3 miss on a 142 bmp(a wooping score of 800k+) and could complete 2 fm on magic world.(Note::i not boasting ,ok.)
Dun noe y but i felt myself changing the past few days and i not sure that it is gd or bad but nevermind, time will tell.
Today also try out alot new things,eat different kind of rice.The rice is said to be strong in iron,it is called purple rice and i ate it at plaza singapura,tried out mango and durian ice-cream,als found at plaza singapura.
Well thats all i gonna said today..
~bb all~

on; 11/15/2007 09:46:00 PM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hiie all~
heard of audition story mode?Story mode is like a movie which take u on a journey to see npc and hav a talk with(not really).The story goes lyk this::
u hav been transported from ur real world to audition town and u badly wan to go home but u cant as there is chaos in the audition world and the onli way to get bak to the real world is by taking the key from a npc(crazy-sumthing) and as u walk along the streets,u meet alot of people and they call u to dance and when u pass is gd ,when u fail,u hav to repeated the quest again...ok

here are some pics ::

on; 11/14/2007 01:23:00 PM

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hiie all~

Today,wake up watch movie,play halo 2,do maths until 12p.m.Went for guild meeting(audi de),they got 3 different job,namely the tester,tnf(training and fun) and lastly the normal ppl.I choose the normal ppl as i mayb not b so active at times.After that went to play dota the campaigns and after that can and update the blog...hav added so new items...
the 'right-clicked' disable,
changing of cbox,
a small moving thingy(dun noe wats that called)..yah so thats bout all...
ok until next time..
~bb all~

on; 11/12/2007 06:40:00 PM

Early morning went for math tuttion,there quite sian coz the teacher teaching the topic is the same as we learn for sec 3 .Than went to my mun frend house for lunch .Her cooking for superb but got 1 problem,its spicy HOT!!!!!Ok ,some of u can take spicy food but i cant but muz respect people so i take the food lor,also drink alot water than went to shop for my clothes coz i think my clothes to old lao and nid some fresh one so buy lor .After that went bak home and blog...thats all for today...sry if that the post is short...

U wan chiong is ur problem,
dun drag others in it.
Juz bcoz other wan to take a break first b4 they begin,
doesnt mean that they will not do anything forever.
Dont u know,
everyone has their own decision and they can choose not to follow u,
but y muz u drag ppl in it?

on; 11/12/2007 12:18:00 AM

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hiie all~
Today juz download another maple flash game(maple legend ver.002) the game is quite lyk most of the other maple flash game ,expect for 1 difference,which is having the flashjump skill and a variety of weapons ,ranging for lv 35 to lv 100++.Found the hidden ai map in dota also ...play as viper,which was fun...and after that came to fix some bugs in my blog and updated the disclaimer and change the song to do you know...well it was a short post for today coz i was practically slacking at home...
~bb all~

on; 11/09/2007 05:16:00 PM

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hiie all~
i juz came bak from the charlet this morning.
Feeling tired but at the same time alot of fun,
coz there is rowdy but not that kind of ah lian and ah beng kind of rowdyness.
i shall tok about yesterday thingy onli coz even i tell all ,u mayb would not understand .
Yesterday woke up than duel wth wai chun and ze hong until afternoon went to cycling,
at first got no bike coz ran out so we come bak around 4++p.m than hav bike so we rent it.
Ride for 1hr+ than went bike to wash up and prepare for bbq .
Went down to prepare for the bbq and alot ppl came..jing jing,shi yu,serene,jun jie,elmond,xiu er
Wat happen next is very oblivious,of coz eat the bbq food lor,
xiu er keep saying the water too bland no taste but when i taste it ,taste so sweet lao
dunno is she sugar level too high or her taste bud are werid or she juz being looney..
after that go to the beach to play sparkles,well ok i didnt play but also tagged along.
After that went bak to play card games and we tok about alot of thing tok until 6+a.m..
than went to slp for awhile than went home..
Ok i shall stop here for now ,and many ppl say that my blog template is having problem so i decided to change it to a audi theme blog.The pic of the girl is beautiful and the outfit that she is wearing is a limited kind of Halloween outfit ,which i think is nice and i have change my song to ..
eh ...forgotten the group but the song tittle is sos which i think is a nice song for a audi blog so hope u all lyk it...thats bout all
~bb all~

on; 11/07/2007 04:14:00 PM

Saturday, November 3, 2007

~Hiie all~
Today is my sch open,early the morning go there,thought ard late as olivia say meet at 7.30 but she later than me,lols.Walk around the sch compound for awhile and went bak to the canteen to meet our teacher.Mr goh ask me and olivia to go the the computer lab to savage for award, trophy or anything that could be display for our .We went up and found that the dorr was lock so we waited for the teacher to come .While waiting ,olivia was playing with my phone while i keep a lookout for the teacher.Waited and waited and the teacher could not be found so we went down to find our cca teacher and he say that the door was ard open! I think that olivia did not check that the door was not lock so i rush up to find badges ,award and stuff and bring it down.After that slack and and chit-chatted wth de cai,sally and jun wei(or is it wei jun...nvm) than they went for their duties while i cont slacking,there not pretty much to say so i will cut short the story ,found that i hav nothing to do ,i went to the com lab to slack and walk around the sch see see here ,see see there..lol.There was really nothing to do saw ze hong,seren,derrick,xiu er,yong kiong and alot more let me tell u wat i saw in them...
for ze hong=like a tree w/o make up
serene=a ldr lor,wat more i could say
xiu er=ok lah she look quite beautiful,that is w/o make up
yong kiong=ribbon pig!!!!
derrick=dun noe wat to say...ps
jun hong=like a monk if the shirt was longer
and many other i could not say and to the other the i hav written ,i apologise for it and if u wan ur name removed pls write in my cbox and i will hav it removed...once again
~bb all~

on; 11/03/2007 10:56:00 PM

Friday, November 2, 2007

~Hiie all~
today went to buy bbq food wth ze hong,beatrice n elmond,take bus 156 to cp,on the way saw wei an n daphane dating,at the bus stop ,din think they saw me coz first i was on the bus, second ,they were so looking at each other,in they own lala land...lols.Went there saw so many ppl,darren,shi hao,josen,bing liang,wai chun,ck,kuan yew,jing jing,viven and ji jian.The boys were going to the bbq while the girls there were giving out pamphlet .After that went to houghang point to buy bbq food,buy potato,corn,chicken and alot stuff...ok,mayb not alot coz short of budget,than went to hav a break at the near by food store,me and ze hong buy chicken rice ,btw ze hong help me pay coz i at that time no change while elmond bought japanese rice and beatrice bought watermelon juice coz the rain is pouring fast and elmond and ze hong did not eat so we eat while waiting for the rain to stop.After that went to sheng siong buy basic necessities that were nid for the bbq ,after buying went to beatrice house to put things and finally home sweet home.Anyways xiu er ,i help u pay for the bbq so u muz come hor if not u pay me bak .Well i shall stop here for todays as tmr is my sch open house,nid to report at 7.30a.m haix so early..
~bb all~

on; 11/02/2007 11:30:00 PM

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hiie all~
today i not going to tok about my life,i going to tok about 3 ang mo bullying our senior citizen,if u all hav been reading todays(31/10/07)new paper,there was this article that some uk tourist went for a trishaw ride and mocking the rider saying that they could walk faster than the rider and 1 of the ****ing bastard flim the whole thing down and on the whole trip,they were laughing and the rider,whom is a 60+ old man and did not knew about english,laugh with them without having the slighest noeing that the 3 bastard were mocking at him.In the end,the uk-ions did not pay him the actual sum ,stating that they are broke when they could afford take a TAXI !!!!!!This is juz ridiculous,i meant u cant even pay a old harmless human being,why the hell did u even come to singapore,to mock at us,to use ur 'godly'english to 'downgrade' us,well i dont think so.$10 =3 pound and u mean that u cant even pay that.To all the non-s'poreans,if u are coming to singapore,make sure that u do not mock at our culture and our people ,or u will b sorry that the day u take ur first steps here.To the others that who wan to curse or swear or to let ur anger out,pls do it at this web sit(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_GoQ-h9Zg) and not at my tagbox...tnx alot

To:the 3 white brainless people
IF u are reading this post and u wan to sent it to ur goverment to sue me,by all means go ahead,i dun mind as u hav juz mock us and this is consider a tiny payback for wat u hav done,think if this would happen on ur mother ,would u feel happy,i am sure that the answer is no so think twice before u do even the simplest thing,even a flame giv out a smog,i hope that u will understand this proverb.As long as u dun not mock at culture and our elderly,we are willing to extent our reach in welcoming to our country but if u do thing that anger us and thinking that it is just for fun,think twice.I hope that u will learnt from ur mistake and not repeat it again.

ur sincerely:tkrouge

on; 11/01/2007 12:53:00 AM


Tse Kang's Profile
Tse Kang's Facebook profile
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Age: 16 years old
Date of Birth: april8 1992
Horoscope Sign: Aries
Games that I play:Combat Arms,Solider Front,Auditionsea
My in-game-nickname for these games(In order to above):Mr.Fake,MrFake,-Awe-tkr




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Jia Xuan
Wai Chun
Shi yu
Wei an
Yin Wan
Swee Ling
Xin Yi
Jun Hong
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Shi Jun
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Space Weather
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Play-park fourm(New)
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revolt of archers(a maple fan-fiction)


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